A Look Back



U.S. Federal Government Shutdown enters 4th week. WCK opens #ChefsForFeds kitchen in DC serving 100,000 meals takes the effort nationwide with over 400 restaurants in 35 states.


Refugee crisis intensifies on Venezuelan border in Cúcuta, Colombia. WCK launches #ChefsForVenezuela, which remains active today, with more than 750,000 meals served as of December 31, 2019.


Nation-wide protests shut down basic human services in Haiti. École des Chefs students serve over 13,000 meals to those affected.


Massive flooding hits Fremont, Nebraska and Pine Ridge, South Dakota. WCK remains active throughout the month, serving 10,000 meals.


Tropical Cyclone Idai hits Beira, Mozambique, killing over 1,000 people and affecting 3 million. WCK begins #ChefsForMozambique effort within days, remaining active through May and serving 350,000 meals.


WCK receives 400 applications from smallholder food businesses in Puerto Rico for second round of Plow to Plate grant funding. We host our inaugural Farmers Market; all vendors sell out of their products.


20 students graduate from École des Chefs’ spring class in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

WCK responds to several disasters in the Midwest including tornadoes in Dayton, Ohio and Jefferson City, Missouri.


WCK awards $362,00 to 21 new Plow to Plate grantees in Puerto Rico.


WCK responded to biggest California earthquake in 20 years, hitting just outside of Ridgecrest. We serve 25,000 meals to affected families and first responders.

Tropical Storm Barry hits Louisiana. WCK sets up kitchens in 3 cities to respond, serving meals across the state.

WCK first arrived in Tijuana in November 2018 as refugees found themselves stuck in Mexico amid growing wait times for asylum interviews. After closing in February, we reopened in July, and we continue serving meals each day to families staying in shelters.

WCK has been serving fresh meals to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia since February. In July, our team opens a kitchen in Caracas to begin efforts inside Venezuela itself.


WCK launches a Sink to Stove training for new chef instructors in Central America.



Category 5 Hurricane Dorian devastates the northern islands of The Bahamas. WCK is on the ground before the storm and begins cooking immediately. We continue to serve fresh meals to this day.


Multiple wildfires burn across the state of California. WCK activates in both northern and southern California, serving 50,000 meals to first responders and families affected.



On the one year anniversary of the devastating Camp Fire in Paradise, California, WCK prepared a special meal for 3000 people affected by the fire.


WCK activates for the first time in Europe after a massive earthquake hits Albania. We serve fresh meals to schools, hospitals, and directly into affected communities.

WCK awards $401,000 to 25 new Plow to Plate grantees in Puerto Rico.