
Feeding America the largest charitable food assistance network, they work with 200 food banks and 60,000 food partners across the United States to bring food where it is needed most. Food bankers, and volunteers are on the front lines ensuring everyone has the food they need during this difficult time.

Children, families, and seniors need our help during the pandemic and our network isn’t stopping anytime soon. The majority of network food banks report seeing a record increase in the number of people needing help, with an average increase of 60% across the country. Between March and June, roughly 4 in 10 people visiting food banks had not received food assistance before the pandemic. In fact, as we plan ahead, we expect there to be a supply gap of 8 billion meals needed to feed our neighbors.

Families across the country need more support to get meals – and fast. Support emergency relief today. Click here to help today!

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa